Thursday, January 27, 2011

Anna's Daughter by Hensley Banzales


Little girl, I can see your smile,
a mile long from where I stand.
One of the most beautiful beam
I have ever seen from a child.
Keep smiling for Anna
Keep smiling for us.


You have puppy eyes that calms
strangers from the nearest of distance
like us, the friends of your Mom.
Has anyone told you,
your fragile eyes
can translate happiness?


Remember: your unworded hello
made us happy, made us soft;
Like any adult who keeps forgetting
that once, he or she was a child.

my halaya

way too late for Christmas...never had a chance to really blog some things...I know I can never reproduce mama nene's halaya, although, making some makes me feel that her spirit is with us during Christmas. 

my first attempt to do a photograph with food as a subject using my digicam (umandar lang kase ulit)