Sunday, May 23, 2010

the Aratiles tree...and its autumnal effect


we call this tree saresa in kapampangan
our neighbors have this tree
it provides shed to our house especially on a very humid afternoon…although my mornings consist of experiencing autumn with the fall of its yellow leaves which is hard to sweep plus I get to have a cherry on top experience as sometimes a single fruit falls right
on top of my head... 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

idiot board

testing, testing, 1 2 3
and I never felt so computer ignoramus!
I was only able to figure this out just now...arrgh!

so much of not having a [pc] at home
well having two doesn't mean having one if they're dysfunctional
one is totally nonfuctioning
and the other I could say is malfunctioning and dysfunctional [oops what's the difference?]
atleast I was able to use this m&d one the whole day
it's like a halleluhaj! sorta having an apparition
that it's suddenly operating yesterday
atleast there's hope for this one; pathetically
I have used it since dial-up days

well a [pc] and a cup of coffee goes well together
although a spilt hot coffee on your [pc] naah!
not a good combination...that is what happened to the nonfunctioning one..ugh!

photos by Johanna Torbjornsson]